The International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture
provides a high‐quality forum for scientists and engineers to present their latest research findings in
this rapidly‐changing field. Authors are invited to submit papers on all aspects of high performance computer architecture.
Authors should submit an abstract by July 27, 2018 11:59 PM EDT. They should submit the full version of the paper by August 3, 2018, 11:59 PM EDT. No extensions will be granted. The full version should be a PDF file following the submission guidelines that will be made available at the submission website. Papers should be submitted for double‐blind review. New‐idea papers as well as papers that significantly advance established areas are strongly encouraged. Submission issues should be directed to both program chairs: & HPCA‐25 will also host an Industrial Paper Session presenting novel insights from industry. See the HPCA 2019 website: for additional information about HPCA 2019 and submission details.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Processor architectures
- Cache and memory architectures
- Parallel/multi‐core architectures
- GPUs
- Domain‐specific accelerators
- Power‐efficient architectures
- Dependable/secure architectures
- Analysis and exploitation of security vulnerabilities
- High‐performance I/O systems
- Embedded, IoT, reconfigurable, and heterogeneous architectures
- Interconnect and network interface architectures
- Architectures for cloud, HPC, and data centers
- Innovative hardware/software trade‐offs
- Impact of compilers and system software on architecture
- Performance/power modeling and evaluation
- Architectures for emerging technology and applications
Tentative dates:
· Abstract submission: July 27, 2018
Full paper submission: August 3, 2018
Rebuttal/revision: October 6‐18, 2018
· Notification: November 6, 2018
Conference: February 16‐20, 2019
General Chairs:
Prof. Ahmed Louri (George Washington University)
Prof. Guru Venkataramani (George Washington University)
Program Chairs:
Prof. Rajeev Balasubramonian (University of Utah)
Dr. Viji Srinivasan (IBM TJ Watson Research Center)