The 15th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS 2020, sponsored by the IEEE)
Riverside Convention Center, CA, November 8-11, 2020,

The International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage provides a high-quality international forum to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss cutting-edge research on networking, high-performance computer architecture, and parallel and distributed data storage technologies. NAS 2019 will expose participants to the most recent developments in the interdisciplinary areas. We invite submissions on a wide range of research topics, including, but not limited to:

- Accelerator-based architectures
- Ad hoc and sensor networks
- Application-specific, reconfigurable or embedded architectures
- Architecture for handheld or mobile devices
- Architecture, networking or storage modeling and simulation methodologies
- Big Data infrastructure
- Big Data services and analytics
- Cloud and grid computing
- Cloud storage
- Data-center scale architectures
- Effects of circuits and emerging technology on architecture
- Energy-aware storage
- File systems, object-based storage
- GPU architecture and programming
- HW/SW co-design and trade offs
- Mobile and wireless networks
- Network applications and services
- Network architecture and protocols
- Network information theory
- Network modeling and measurement
- Network security
- Non-volatile memory technologies
- Parallel and multi-core architectures
- Parallel I/O
- Power and energy efficient architectures and techniques
- Processor, cache, memory system architectures
- Software defined networking
- Software defined storage
- SSD architecture and applications
- Storage management
- Storage performance and scalability
- Storage virtualization and security
- Virtual and overlay networks

Each submission can have up to 8 pages, including all text, figures, tables, footnotes, appendices, references, etc. Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished work for possible presentation at the conference. The program committee will nominate best papers for recognition in the three conference topic areas. All papers will be evaluated based on their novelty, fundamental insight, experimental evaluation, and potential for long-term impact; new-idea papers are encouraged. All accepted papers will be published in IEEE digital library. Selected and extended papers will be recommended for journal publications.

Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: June 15, 2020
Author Notification: August 15, 2020
Camera-ready Paper: September 15, 2020

Organizing Committee

General Chair: 
Laxmi N. Bhuyan, University of California, Riverside 

Program Co-Chairs: 
Chita Das, Penn State University 
Qing Yang, University of Rhode Island 
Dipak Ghosal, University of California, Davis 
Hong Jiang, University of Texas, Arlington

Vice Program Chairs: 
Networking: Yan Luo, UMass Lowell 
Architecture: E.J. Kim, Texas A&M
Storage: Yifeng Zhu, University of Maine

Industry panel/track chair: 
Asit Mishra, NVIDIA

Local Arrangement Chair: 
John Dung Vu, California State University, San Bernardino

Finance Chair:
John Zhiyong Xu, Suffolk University 

Registration Co-Chairs: 
Yun Tian: California State University, Fullerton 
Xiaorong Zhang, San Francisco State University

Industry Sponsorship co-chairs: 
Ravi Iyer, Intel 
Changsheng Xie, Huazhong University of Sc. and Tech., China 
Sibabrata Ray, Google 

Publication Co-Chairs: 
Weijun Xiao, Virginia Commonwealth University 
Jun Wang, University of Central Florida

Publicity Co-Chairs: 
Adwait Jog, William & Mary 
Chentao Wu, Shanghai Jiaotong U. 
Ashutosh Pattnaik, ARM

Web Chair: 
Jianhui Yue, Michigan Tech University

Steering Committee: 
Xubin He, Chair, Temple Univ. 
Laxmi N Bhuyan, UCR 
Chita Das, Penn State 
Hong Jiang, UT Arlington 
Changsheng Xie, HUST, China 
Qing Yang, U of Rhode Island
NAS 2020 Call for Papers