
                          EMBEDDED SYSTEMS WEEK

                          Call for Participation

      * CASES * CODES+ISSS * EMSOFT * MEMOCODE * NOCS * Keynotes *

   * Workshops (CODAI, DOT-PIM, RSP) * Tutorials * Education Classes *

          * Ph.D. Forum and Recruitment Event * Competitions *

                 Hamburg, Germany, September 17-22, 2023




About Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK)


Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK) is the premier event covering all aspects

of hardware and software design for smart, intelligent and connected

computing systems. By bringing together three leading conferences

(CASES, CODES+ISSS, EMSOFT), two symposia (MEMOCODE, NOCS), and several

workshops and tutorials, ESWEEK allows attendees to benefit from a

wide range of topics covering the state of the art in embedded systems

research and development.

The 2023 edition of the Embedded Systems Week will take place on the

campus of Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany. Prior to the

main event, there are 13 education classes to choose from on Thursday and

Friday. Sunday starts with Tutorials, the Diversity Event, and a Welcome

Reception. The three main conferences, Keynotes, Competition Sessions,

Ph.D Forum and Recruitment Event take place on Monday to Wednesday,

followed by Symposia and Workshops on Thursday/Friday.




* Student Travel Grants (deadline: July 10th):


* Undergraduate Scholar Program (deadline: July 10th):


* Ph.D. Forum (deadline: July 14th) and ESWEEK Recruitment Events:


* The ESWEEK registration is open. Advanced registration deadline is

  August 25. There are student travel supports. Check the ESWEEK webpage

  for more details.

* The program is online: https://esweek.org/schedule/


Keynote Talks: https://esweek.org/keynotes/


* Keynote 1: “Enabling the Era of Immersive Computing: A Rich Agenda for

              Embedded Systems Research”,

             by Dr. Sarita Adve (UIUC)

* Keynote 2: “Advanced silicon technologies enabling next generation of

              embedded and AI architectures”,

             by Dr. Raja Swaminathan (AMD)

* Keynote 3: “The quest for resilient embedded systems in the era of

              machine learning”,

             by Dr. Lothar Thiele (ETH)




* CASES:          International Conference on Compilers, Architecture,

                  and Synthesis for Embedded Systems


  Program Chairs: Swarup Bhunia, University of Florida, US

                  Jana Doppa, Washington State University, US

* CODES+ISSS:     International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign

                  and System Synthesis


  Program Chairs: Mohammad Abdullah Al Faruque, UC Irvine, US

                  Muhammad Shafique, New York University, US

* EMSOFT:         International Conference on Embedded Software


  Program Chairs: Clarie Pagetti, Onera/ENSEEIHT, FR

                  Alessandro Biondi, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, IT




* MEMOCODE: International Symposium on Formal Methods and Models for

            System Design


* NOCS:     International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip





* CODAI:   Workshop on Compilers, Deployment, and Tooling for Edge AI


* DOT-PIM: Workshop on Agile Design and Optimization Tools for Processing-



* RSP:     International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping





* T1: Introduction to the AMD Versal ACAP Adaptable Intelligent Engine

      and to its Programming Model

* T2: Designing an Edge Inferencing Accelerator using HLS

* T3: How to Use Model Checking to Analyze Circuits at the Transistor


* T4: Neural Network and Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems Formal

      Verification for Trustworthy AI and Safe Autonomy

* T5: MARS: A framework for runtime monitoring, modeling, and management

      of realtime systems

* T6: HW/SW Codesign for Brain-Inspired Hyperdimensional In-Memory



Education Classes: https://esweek.org/education-classes/


* EC1:  TBA

* EC2:  TBA

* EC3:  3D Memory – Thermal Challenges and System Management

* EC4:  Deterministic Concurrency and the Lingua Franca Coordination


* EC5:  Efficient and Robust Edge AI: Software, Hardware, and the


* EC6:  CEDR: A Novel Runtime Environment for Accelerator-Rich

        Heterogeneous Architectures

* EC7:  Basics of Machine Learning Accelerator Design

* EC8:  Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA): Architectures and


* EC9:  Design Methodology for Low Power Computer Vision Systems

* EC10: High-Level Synthesis of Complex Parallel Specifications

* EC11: Bringing ML to the Extreme Edge

* EC12: Optical Computing for AI Acceleration

* EC13: The Five Must-to-Have Features of Modern Automotive System-on-

        Chip Architectures




* ACM SIGBED Student Research Competition (SRC)


* Embedded System Software Competition (ESSC)


* Tiny and Fair ML Design Contest



Ph.D. Forum and Recruitment Events: https://esweek.org/esweek-ph-d-forum-and-recruitment-events/


The Ph.D. Forum at ESWEEK 2023 is a poster session with lightning talks

for Ph.D. students. The forum is open to all members of the embedded

systems community and is free-of-charge. For Ph.D. students presenting

posters in this Forum, limited funds will be available for travel

assistance, based on financial needs.

The Recruitment Event at ESWEEK 2023 is a place for students and

professionals looking for internships or jobs to meet with

representatives from companies and academia. In the beginning of the

event, one representative from each organization has the opportunity

to introduce the organization and its job opening(s). Afterward, all

attendees have a chance to mingle.


Organization: https://esweek.org/organizing-committee/


ESWEEK 2023 General Chairs:

Xiaobo Sharon Hu, University of Notre Dame, US (General Chair)

Alain Girault, INRIA, FR (Vice General Chair)

Conference and Local Arrangement Chair:

Heiko Falk, Hamburg University of Technology, DE


Call for Participation: ESWEEK 2023 in Hamburg, Germany, September 17-22: Program is online, registration is open