Call for Special Session Proposals


The 36th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP’25) ( will be held in-person at Vancouver, Canada from July 28-30, 2025. The conference covers the theory and practice of application-specific systems, architectures, and processors. Vancouver is notable for its Pacific coast locale, spectacular mountains, and its vibrant food and cultural scenes. 


We are soliciting special session proposals for ASAP’25. Each special session should focus on a single compelling theme to the ASAP audience and typically runs 1.5-2 hours. Each proposal should not exceed two pages, describe the topic, intended audience, and must include a list of 3-4 suggested speakers with tentative talk titles (preferably) and biographical data. Note that each speaker has an option to submit an invited paper and needs to pay the registration fee in order to attend and present his/her work. Invited papers will appear in IEEE Xplore.  

Please send your special session proposals to Professor Jason Anderson (, IEEE ASAP’25 Special Sessions Chair, by April 1, 2025.


Important Dates: 

Proposal submission deadline: April 1, 2025 

Notification of acceptance:     April 7, 2025

Camera-ready papers:               May 20, 2025 

Conference dates:                       Jul 28-30, 2025


ASAP 2025 Conference Call for Special Session Proposals