ACM SIGPLAN 2020 International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC’20)

co-located with CGO, PPoPP and HPCA

San Diego, CA, USA

February 22 – 23, 2020


The ACM SIGPLAN 2020 International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC 2020) is interested in work on processing programs in the most general sense: analyzing, transforming or executing input programs that describe how a system operates, including traditional compiler construction as a special case.


CC 2020 is the 29th edition of the conference. From this year onwards, CC is an ACM SIGPLAN conference and implements guidelines and procedures recommended by SIGPLAN




Early registration : 31    January  2020

Conference         : 22-23 February 2020


CC 2020 will be held at the Hilton San Diego Resort and Spa in San Diego, CA, USA, and is co-located with CGO, PPoPP, and HPCA. Any person registering for CC can attend any of the co-located workshops, as well as the Sunday reception.


Register for the conference at




– Postcondition-Preserving Fusion of Postorder Tree Transformations. Eleanor Davies, Sara Kalvala.

– Scalable Pointer Analysis of Data Structures Using Semantic Models. Pratik Fegade, Christian Wimmer.

– Runtime Multi-Versioning and Specialization inside a Memoized Speculative Loop Optimizer. Raquel Lazcano, Daniel Madronal, Eduardo Juarez, Philippe Clauss.

– A Study of Event Frequency Profiling with Differential Privacy. Hailong Zhang, Yu Hao, Sufian Latif, Raef Bassily, Atanas Rountev.

– Dynamic Property Caches, or a step towards faster JavaScript proxy objects. Manuel Serrano, Robert B. Findler.

– Compiling First-order Functions to Session-Typed Parallel Code. David Castro-Perez, Nobuko Yoshida.

– Vectorization-Aware Loop Unrolling with Seed Forwarding. Rodrigo C.O. Rocha, Vasileios Porpodas, Pavlos Petoumenos, Luis F.W. Goes, Zheng Wang, Murray Cole, Hugh Leather.

– Mixed-Data-Model Heterogeneous Compilation and OpenMP Offloading. Andreas Kurth, Koen Wolters, Bjorn Forsberg, Alessandro Capotondi, Andrea Marongiu, Tobias Grosser, Luca Benini.

– Improving Database Query Performance with Automatic Fusion. Hanfeng Chen, Alexander Krolik, Bettina Kemme, Clark Verbrugge, Laurie Hendren.

– Automatically Harnessing Sparse Acceleration. Philip Ginsbach, Bruce Collie, Michael F.P. O’Boyle.

– Compiler-Based Graph Representations for Deep Learning Models of Code. Alexander Brauckmann, Andres Goens, Sebastian Ertel, Jeronimo Castrillon.

– Balancing Performance and Productivity for the Development of Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Tools: A Case Study on Arm Systems. Cosmin Gorgovan, Guillermo Callaghan, Mikel Lujan.

– Generating Fast Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication From a High Level Generic Functional IR. Federico Pizzuti, Michel Steuwer, Christophe Dubach.

– Secure Delivery of Program Properties Through Optimizing Compilation. Son Tuan Vu, Karine Heydemann, Albert Cohen, Arnaud de Grandmaison.

– Is Stateful Packrat Parsing Really Linear in Practice? — A Counter-Example, An Improved Grammar and Its Parsing Algorithms. Nariyoshi Chida, Yuhei Kawakoya, Dai Ikarashi, Kenji Takahashi, Koushik Sen.

– Bitwidth Customization in Image Processing Pipelines using Interval Analysis and SMT Solvers. Suresh Purini, Vinamra Benara, Ziaul Chowdhury, Uday Bondhugula.

– Optimizing Deep Neural Network Quantizations for Noisy Environment. Youngseok Kim, Junyeol Lee, Younghoon Kim, Jiwon Seo.

– Relaxing the One Definition Rule in Interpreted C++. Javier Lopez-Gomez, Javier Fernandez, David del Rio Astorga, Vassil Vassilev, Axel Naumann, J. Daniel Garcia.

– Mix Your Contexts Well: Opportunities Unleashed by Recent Advances in Scaling Context-Sensitivity. Manas Thakur, V. Krishna Nandivada.




ACM SIGPLAN           

Raincode Labs         




General Chair

Louis-Noel Pouchet              Colorado State University <pouchet AT>


Program Chair

Alexandra Jimborean             Uppsala University <alexandra.jimborean AT>


Artifact Evaluation Chairs

Michel Steuwer                  University of Glasgow <Michel.Steuwer AT>

Martin Kong                     University of Oklahoma


Publicity Chair

Gabriel Rodriguez               University of A Coruna


Web Chair

Mihail Popov                    Uppsala University


Steering Committee

Bjorn Franke                    University of Edinburgh  <bfranke AT>

Sebastian Hack                  Saarland University

Manuel Hermenegildo             IMDEA SW Institute and Technical U. of Madrid

Peng Wu                         Huawei America Research Lab

Ayal Zaks                       Intel and Technion, Israel

Jingling Xue                    University of New South Wales, Australia

Christophe Dubach               University of Edinburgh

Nelson J. Amaral                University of Alberta

Milind Kulkarni                 Purdue University



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[CC2020] Call for Participation for the ACM SIGPLAN 2020 International Conference on Compiler Construction