6th Career Workshop for Women and Minorities in Computer Architecture


In conjunction with the

53rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-53)

Date: October 17, 2020




Call for Posters:


The MICRO Career Workshop will bring together women and

under-represented minorities at different levels in academia, industry,

research, government and students to promote the recruitment, retention

and progression of women and under-represented groups with research

interests in computer architecture.


The workshop will highlight emerging and hot topics in computer

architecture, but also provide opportunities for cross-disciplinary

research, networking, and career advice and mentoring. The workshop will

contain a mix of technical presentations and panel sessions given by

academic and industry leaders as well as a special session to provide

mentoring for students as they get started in their careers.


The workshop will include a student research poster session, career

panels, advice on careers in academia, industry research, government, or

deciding to start your own company, and a mentoring session.

Keynotes and invited talks will cover the latest research trends in

computer architecture.


To encourage participation, we will reimburse workshop registration 

for participants.


Important Dates:

* Abstract Submission Deadline : September 20, 2020

* Author Notification: September 25, 2020

* Workshop Date: October 17, 2020


Submission Guidelines:

Each submission should be formatted as an extended abstract, describing

the research to be presented in the poster. The length of the extended

abstract should be at most TWO single-column pages (formatted into the

US letter size of 8.5 x 11 inches with fonts no smaller than 10 point

size), including all figures and references. The extended abstract must

include the names, affiliations and email addresses of all authors and

should be submitted as a single PDF file to EasyChair:



Organizing Committee:

Valentina Salapura, AMD Research

Zehra Sura, Bloomberg L.P.

Tamara Lehman, University of Colorado Boulder

Hyeran Jeon, UC Merced

Alan Bivens, IBM Public Cloud

6th Career Workshop for Women and Minorities in Computer Architecture