Dear colleagues, dear friends of logic,

On 14 January 2021, you are cordially invited to celebrate the World
Logic Day digitally with the community from the city of Kurt Gödel,
Ludwig Wittgenstein, and the Vienna Circle.

The Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms at Vienna University of
Technology (VCLA at TU Wien) represents six research groups celebrating
the World Logic Day 2021 (WLD) with:


Vienna World Logic Day Lecture


Vienna World Logic Day Lecture with Prof. Georg Gottlob on the future of logic in the world shaped by Artificial intelligence
Date: 14 January 2021
Time: 8am PST | 11am EST | 1pm GMT-3 | 5pm CET
Digital venue: Zoom or YouTube


Ambassadors of Logic


We asked renowned logicians from the fields of computer science,
philosophy, mathematics, artificial intelligence to provide us with
short statements on the WLD.
This is what they have to say: 


Celebrating World Logic Day 2021 around the globe

We are featuring events celebrating World Logic Day 2021 around the globe. Send us an email, and we will include you on our website.
Additionally, if you are organising an event and wish to be listed in
the official list of the World Logic Day 2021 events and use the
official WLD logo in your announcements, please submit your event as
listed on the website of the WLD 2021.

UNESCO proclaimed World Logic Day in 2019, in association with the
International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH), to enhance public understanding of logic and its implications for science,
technology and innovation. “In the twenty-first century – indeed, now
more than ever – the discipline of logic is a particularly timely one,
utterly vital to our societies and economies. Computer science and
information and communications technology, for example, are rooted in
logical and algorithmic reasoning.” — Audrey Azoulay, Director-General

Free access and non-obligatory registration on the website

Please visit the website of Vienna World Logic Day at:

Invitation to celebrate the World Logic Day digitally – 14 January 2021 – Ambassadors of Logic and public Vienna Logic Day Lecture