IEEE Transactions on Computers seeks original manuscripts for a special issue on real-time systems scheduled to appear in July 2022.

From its onset, real-time systems have been increasingly essential in many domains, and currently they have an extremely important role in everyday life. For example, state-of-the-art real-time systems exist in transportation systems (e.g., autonomous vehicles, smart roads, avionics and space systems), telecommunications, robotics, data centers, cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, e-health, environment monitoring, and other
domains. Challenges in real-time systems go from embedded computing to cloud or edge computing contexts; these challenges require innovative solutions.

Papers touching on all aspects of real-time systems, including theory, design, analysis, implementation, evaluation, and experience are welcome. All papers must address some form of real-time requirements such as deadlines, response times or delays/latency. Systems of interest include not only hard real-time systems, but also time-sensitive systems in general. We especially welcome new and emerging topics provided that address some aspects of real-time requirements as stated above. Such topics may include machine learning techniques for design and analysis of real-time systems, system design approaches for achieving real-time machine learning, resource management in autonomous systems, system-level solutions for real-time applications exploiting domain-specific accelerators, etc. Topics include, but are not limited to:

Systems, Models, and Algorithms

◦       System Architecture

◦       Software Architectures

◦       OS, Scheduling and Runtime Support

◦       Storage and I/O Systems

◦       Distributed and Networked Systems

◦       Fault Tolerant and Trusted Systems

◦       Mixed-Criticality Systems

◦       Heterogeneous SoC and Multicore Systems

◦       Power and Thermal Aware Computing

◦       Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing

◦       Reconfigurable Computing

◦       Performance Evaluation Techniques and Tools

Emerging Real-Time Applications

◦       Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)

◦       HW-SW Integration and System–Level Design

◦       Internet-of-Things (IoT)

Submitted papers must not be under review elsewhere.
A submission that extends a previously published paper must include at least 30% new technical/scientific research-based technical contributions, and be less than 50% verbatim similarity as reported by a tool (such as CrossRef). While submitting through ScholarOne, at, please select the special issue/section option. As per TC policies, only full-length papers (up to 12 pages) can be submitted to special issues and each author’s bio should not exceed 150 words.

Important dates.

Submission Deadline: Tuesday February 1, 2022 [submission site open in mid-January]

Reviews Completed: Tuesday March 22, 2022

Major Revisions Due: Tuesday April 12, 2022

Reviews of Revisions Completed: Tuesday May 3, 2022

Notification of Final Acceptance: Tuesday May 10, 2022

Publication Materials for Final Manuscripts Due: Tuesday May 24, 2022

Target Publication: July 2022


Guest Editors:

Daniel Mossé, University of Pittsburgh,
Enrico Bini, University of Turin
Thidapat (Tam) Chantem, Virginia Tech

IEEE TC Special Issue: Real-Time Systems