# Call for Papers

PACT 2022 will be held on October 10–12, 2022 in **Chicago, IL**.

**Submissions Due: April 25, 2022**

For further details, and to submit your work, please see the conference
web site at <https://pact22.cs.illinois.edu>.

## Scope

2022 will mark the 31st edition of the International Conference on
Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT). PACT is a
unique technical conference that sits at the intersection of parallel
architectures and compilers. The PACT conference series brings together
researchers from architecture, compilers, execution environments,
programming languages, and applications, to present and discuss their
latest research results.

Our current plan is to hold PACT 2022 as an in-person event, after two
consecutive virtual conferences. However, because of the uncertainty on
the evolution of the pandemic and various travel restrictions, we still
may need to revise those plans. We will make this decision some time in
the Spring of 2022.

We solicit contributions in a broad range of topics, including (but not
limited to) the following:

-   Parallel architectures and computational models
-   Compilers and tools for parallel computer systems
-   Multicore, multithreaded, superscalar, and VLIW architectures
-   Compiler/hardware support for hiding memory latencies
-   Support for correctness in hardware and software
-   Reconfigurable parallel computing
-   Dynamic translation and optimization
-   I/O issues in parallel computing and their relation to applications
-   Parallel programming languages, algorithms, and applications
-   Middleware and run time system support for parallel computing
-   Application-specific parallel systems
-   Applications and experimental systems studies of parallel processing
-   Relevant aspects of distributed computing and mobile computing
-   Heterogeneous systems using various types of accelerators
-   In-core and in-chip accelerators and their exploitation
-   Applications of machine learning to parallel computing
-   Insights for the design of parallel architectures and compilers from
    modern parallel applications
-   Future parallel systems for beyond Moore's law and/or beyond
-   Quantum computing architecture and technology
-   Programming quantum computers, including compilation, languages, and
    control software
-   Simulation of quantum circuits

## Submitting your work

Paper submissions are due **April 25, 2022**. Please make sure that your
paper satisfies all the following requirements before being submitted.
Submissions not adhering to these submission guidelines will be rejected
by the submission system and/or subject to an administrative reject.

-   The paper must have an abstract under 300 words.

-   The paper must be original material that has not been previously
    published in another conference or journal, nor is currently under
    review by another conference or journal. You may submit material
    presented previously at a workshop without copyrighted proceedings.

-   The submission is limited to ten (10) pages in the ACM 8.5" x
    11" format (US letter size paper) using 9pt font, with no more than 7 lines
    per inch. This page limit applies to all content NOT INCLUDING references,
    and there is no page limit for references. Your paper must print
    satisfactorily on both Letter paper (8.5"x11") and A4 paper (8.27"x11.69").
    The box containing the text should be no larger than 7.15"x9" (18.2cm x

    [Submission template](https://pact22.cs.illinois.edu/pact22-template.zip)

-   Anonymized supplementary material may be provided in a single PDF
    file uploaded at paper submission time, containing material that
    support the content of the paper, such as proofs, additional
    experimental results, data sets, etc. Reviewers are not required to
    read the supplementary material but may choose to do so.

-   Papers are to be submitted for double-blind review. Blind reviewing
    of papers will be done by the program committee, assisted by outside
    referees. Author names as well as hints of identity are to be
    removed from the submitted paper.

-   Use care in naming your files. Source file names (e.g.,
    Joe.Smith.dvi) are often embedded in the final output as readily
    accessible comments. In addition, do not omit references to provide
    anonymity, as this leaves the reviewer unable to grasp the context.
    Instead, if you are extending your own work, you need to reference
    and discuss the past work in third person, as if you were extending
    someone else's research.

-   We realize in doing double-blind review that for some papers it will
    still be obvious who the authors are. In this case, the submission
    will not be penalized if a concerted effort was made to reference
    and describe the relationship to the prior work as if you were
    extending someone else's research. For example, if your name is Joe

    > "In previous work [1,2], Smith presented a new branch
    > predictor for .... In this paper, we extend their work by ..."
    > Bibliography
    > - [1] Joe Smith, "A Parallel Architecture for ...,"
    >   Proceedings of PACT 2004.
    > - [2] Joe Smith, "A Compilation Technique for ...,"
    >   Proceedings of PACT 2005.

-   Your submission must be formatted for black-and-white printers and
    not color printers. This is especially true for plots and graphs in
    the paper.

-   Please make sure that the labels on your graphs are readable without
    the aid of a magnifying glass.

-   Please number the pages.

-   The paper must be submitted in PDF. We cannot accept any other
    format, and we must be able to print the document just as we receive
    it. We suggest that you use only the four widely used printer fonts:
    Times, Helvetica, Courier and Symbol.

## Conflicts of Interest

To ensure a fair and high-quality reviewing process we ask ALL authors
of a submitted paper to register their conflicts at the submission site.
If a paper is found to have an undeclared conflict that causes a problem
OR if a paper is found to declare false conflicts in order to abuse or
game the review system, the paper may be rejected. Please declare a
conflict of interest with the following people for any author of your
paper. Do not limit yourself to only the PC members. A conflict occurs
in the following cases:

-   Between adviser and advisee forever.

-   Between family members forever.

-   Between people who have collaborated in the last 5 years. This
    collaboration can consist of a joint research or development
    project, a joint paper, or when there is direct funding from the
    potential reviewer (as opposed to company funding) to an author of
    the paper. Co-participation in professional activities, such as
    tutorials or studies, is not cause for conflict. When in doubt, the
    author should check with the PC chair.

-   Between people from same institution or who were in the same
    institution in the last 5 years.

-   Between people whose relationship prevents the reviewer from being
    objective in his/her assessment. Service collaborations, such as
    co-authoring a report for a professional organization, serving on a
    program committee, or co-presenting tutorials, do not themselves
    create a conflict of interest. Co-authoring a paper that is a
    compendium of various projects with no true collaboration among the
    projects does not constitute a conflict among the authors of the
    different projects.

## Artifact Evaluation

Authors of accepted PACT 2022 papers are invited to formally submit
their supporting materials for Artifact Evaluation. Submission is
voluntary. The Artifact Evaluation process is run by a separate
committee whose task is to assess if artifacts supporting the work
described in the papers are available and functional, and (some of)
experimental results are reproducible.

We encourage authors to prepare their artifacts for submission and make
them more portable, reusable and customizable using open-source
frameworks including [OCCAM](https://occam.cs.pitt.edu/),
[Docker](https://www.docker.com/), [reprozip](https://www.reprozip.org/),
[CodeOcean](https://codeocean.com/) and [CK](https://cknowledge.io/docs/).

Papers that successfully go through the Artifact Evaluation process will
receive a seal of approval printed on the papers themselves. Authors of
such papers will have an option to include their Artifact Appendix to
the final paper (up to 2 pages). Authors are also encouraged to make
their artifacts publicly available, for example using the Code Ocean

## Key Dates

-   Abstracts Deadline: April 18, 2022
-   Full Papers Deadline: April 25, 2022
-   Round 1 Rebuttal Period: June 6-9, 2022
-   Round 2 Rebuttal Period: July 11-14, 2022
-   Author Notification: July 29, 2022
-   Artifact Submission: August 5, 2022
-   Camera Ready Papers: August 26, 2022

## Code of Ethics and Policy Against Harrassment

All individuals participating in PACT or involved with its organization
are expected to follow the

- [ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct](https://www.acm.org/code-of-ethics), and the
- [Policy Against Harrassment at ACM activities](https://www.acm.org/about-acm/policy-against-harassment).