HPCA-2023 Call for Papers

HPCA 2023

The 29th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) will be held in Montreal, Canada in 2023. HPCA is a high-impact venue for presenting research results on a wide range of computer architecture topics.

Computer architecture topics of interest are listed below, but we encourage authors to contact the PC chair if they have a question regarding the topic fit:

* Accelerators

* Approximate Computing

* Compilers/PL for novel architectures

* CPU/Microarchitecture

* Domain-Specific Processing

* Embedded/IoT/Edge

* FPGA, CGRA, Reconfigurable Systems

* GPGPU/GPU Computing

* Integration (3D/chiplets/interposer/wafer-scale)

* Memory/Storage

* Measurement, Modeling, Simulation

* Near/In-Memory Computing

* Networks and Interconnects

* Neuromorphic Computing

* Quantum/ Superconducting Computing

* Reliability/Fault Tolerance

* Security/Privacy

HPCA-2023 features a separate Industry Track with a separate call for papers. The goal of the HPCA Industry Track is to publish papers that are written by industry authors and their content relates to industrial products/processes.

Important Dates:

Abstract submission deadline: July 25th, 2022 23:59 UTC / 19:59 EDT

Paper submission deadline: August 1st, 2022 23:59 UTC / 19:59 EDT

Revision/rebuttal period: Sept. 26th – Oct 10th, 2022

Notification: Oct. 18th, 2022


Program Chair:          David Kaeli        Northeastern University 

General Chair:          J. Nelson Amaral   University of Alberta

Industry Session Chair: Ravi Iyer          Intel

Workshop Chair:         Nandita Vijaykumar University of Toronto

Tutorials Chair:        Mieszko Liz    University of British Columbia

Finance Chair:         Mark Jeffery    University of Toronto

Submission Chairs:      Kaustubh Shivdikar Northeastern University

                                                 Malith Jayaweera   Northeastern University

Publication Chairs:     Magnus Sjalander   Norwegian University of Science and Technology

                                               Chang Hyun Park    Uppsala University

Artifact Evaluation Chairs: Hung-Wei Tseng University of California, Riverside

                                                            Jeff Zhang         Arizona State University

Student Travel Grant Chair: Daniel Wong    University of California, Riverside

Web Chair:              Nathan Henderson   University of Alberta

HPCA 2023 Call for Papers